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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Last Day of Our Regular Homeschool Year

Today, was the last day of our regular homeschool year.  Sniff, sniff, I can't believe it is over.  This whole month, has been basically half time, and tightening up things that needed completing.  DJ has now moved into Math review mode, as Caitlin will also continue Math over the summer months.  Caitlin's is more of catch up, than review.  Catch up to where I want her to be.  After my Mom was in a awful car accident this year, it made me realize how much I had to pay closer attention to Common Core, and if I ever had to be forced to put my kids in public school.  While we still will go at a relaxed pace for Math, it can't be as relaxed as they like. 

DJ has just a few chapters of Marine Biology to finish, and some labs which are always fun.  Caitlin will also continue to work on her Grammar and Writing over the summer. 

Now, I have the daunting task of putting together their portfolios.  We don't do our evaluations until August, so I have plenty of time. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Final Writing Tests Determined

As we finish up the year, some subjects I do my own test format.  Both kids will be doing the California standardized test this year.  I just haven't picked when, but it will be sometime in July.  For the end of year writing test, I have picked the topic for both kids.  DJ, end of 9th grade, is finishing up Marine Biology.  It is his life goal to be a Marine Biologist someday.  So, his final writing exam will be to explain what Marine Biology is, and why he has chosen that as a career path.

Caitlin, end of 5th grade, has accomplished a lot in her writing this year.  She, and I will continue to work on her writing over the Summer.  Her final writing exam will be to write a tutorial on proper care of a rabbit.  She has had a pet rabbit for many years now.  She will do a rough draft, then fixes, then write her final paper. 

Both kids will post to their blogs.  I still have to determine a test for Japanese 1, and Music. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Division Made Easy

It is just about Summer Vacation, here at Melissa's Homeschool. The kids are still doing lessons, but Caitlin has mostly half days, and DJ has finished up a lot of his lessons as well. So, we are in a more relaxed mode until the end of June. So, that means I get to share stuff I find, and others might find interesting. If I have actually used the items I share, I will let you know. Sometimes I just find things interesting, and this is a convenient and easy way to save them for further use. When does your Summer Vacation start? Our local public schools are already done. The kids hate that, lol.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Wrapping Up the Regular School Year

We are in the last weeks of our regular school year.  Most days are half, or three hour days, and some subjects have been completed.  I will start thinking about putting together our portfolios, and gathering the tests I want them to take this year.  I do not normally do end of year tests, but I really want to see where they are at this year.  With my son going into grade 10, and my daughter into grade 6,  I need to see how they will test.  This will be for my info only, and if I choose to share it with my evaluator I can, but don't have to. 

DJ has finished Japanese 1 for the year, and Nutrition which was an elective.  I will be looking, or creating final exams for those.  He will not do a foreign language next year, but would really like Rosetta Stone Japanese for 11th grade.  He will continue Algebra 1, and American History over the Summer.  He will also finish up Marine Biology, which is almost complete, might go a couple of weeks over. 

Caitlin has finished almost all her required courses, and we are concentrating on Math, Writing and Grammar.  She will continue to work on those over the Summer.

Our Summer schedule is light.  They get to sleep in, and do school for 1-2 hours a few days a week.  Nothing major, and they get plenty of time for fun, and relaxation.  I also always encourage them to find books they love to read. 

I am ready to be done, lol.

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