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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Homeschool Evals, the PSAT, and 4H Annual Award Dinner

It has been a busy two weeks.  Today, we did our homeschool evals, and now I can take a deep breath and relax.  Well for about 2 1/2 weeks that is, lol.  Both kids did very well.  No issues, though there are still things I want, and feel they need to improve on.  With two kids getting evaluated, it is a very long day.

DJ took the PSAT, just a week or so ago.  He did quite well for his first time.  He got 1276 for a total score.  Strong in reading and writing, needs improvement on math.  We knew that, lol.  He did fair for math, but needs to bring it up a few points.  He will take the PSAT one more time, probably in January, and then the SAT at the end of 10th grade.  This gives ample time to learn where weaknesses are, plus most colleges take the highest score you get.  So, if you wait until the end of your senior year and bomb the test, then you are in a tight spot.  Both SAT and ACT offer free questions of the day, and we will continue doing them each day, as well. 

Last night was our annual 4H award dinner.  Both kids got their 5 yr pins, and Caitlin got 4Her of the  year, for her age group.  DJ got it last year.  We found out a lot of things at this meeting.  The Guitar Club will continue, this is very good news, and a new bow and arrow shooting group will be starting.  That too is very good news.  Caitlin will be starting Gymnastics in October, so my calendar just got really full all of a sudden.  That doesn't count our regular 4H meeting each month, and weekly teen praise band practice at church.  Now, I need a nap before all the craziness starts up again.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Two Cool Websites for Science and Geography

I had never heard of either of these websites until today.  Both of them I found on a homeschool group, on Facebook, that I belong to.

The first one Mystery Science is an awesome Science website.  Normally their curriculum is $99 per year.  But, they are giving away a free year of their curriculum to the first 10,000 respondents.  I got mine, but I was like 9,047 so there are not many left.  Click here, to see if you can get one too.  As far as I can tell there is no catch, and it is completely legitimate. 

The second website, Lizard Point, I know weird name, actually offers more than Geography just click the home button.  But, I want to use it for Geography.  Tomorrow we will be trying it out, for  our Geography lesson.  We are doing China tomorrow, and Netflix has some really cool documentaries on China.  So, China may end up being more than one day so we can watch the whole season.  We will also attempt some Chinese food tomorrow, for dinner.  It never seems to taste as good at home, but we will give it a whirl.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fun With Geography: France and Chicken Kiev

Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of food, again.  I guess taking pics of food is not appealing to me, lol.  Today, we learned about France.  Plus, we reviewed Italy, from last week.  I added in the continents to review, and basic map directions.  We use a globe to find each country, the countries that border the country, and their position in relation to other countries.  We get a kick out of trying to speak a little bit of the language, and always discuss the nation's flag.  Last, but not least, we discuss food.  Last week we made pizza, of course.  This week, after viewing some French dishes, and since I said no the desserts, they decided on Chicken Kiev.  It was actually quite easy to make, and my oh my so delicious.  I made pasta, and a white sauce to go with it.  My kids love just pasta with butter, and salt, but my husband likes sauce.  My white sauce always has some red wine vinegar, and lemon in it.  YUM!  What fun things do you do to learn Geography?  Please feel free to share in the comments.

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