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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First Two Biology Labs

I decided to start a Biology course as well, to take the CLEP, along with the Algebra.  I already got through part 1, and took the test.  DJ, for High School, and myself for nursing prereqs require a lab for Biology.  Since I am doing it online, and taking the CLEP, and DJ is taking it online, I am following the labs that go with my course.  The first two labs are to draw and label a microscope, and to draw and label basic equipment found in a lab.  So, we will get to those, and share them here when done.  I am hoping doing it this way will be acceptable, but lets face it I may have to take a lab class, at an actual college.  

We are sort of on a short vacation, because we have family coming to visit from out of state.  DJ will continue to work on his two FLVS classes, though. 

Here are links to draw the microscope, and the basic lab equipment.

Friday, September 25, 2015

College Prep Algebra 1 and A to Z Writing Prompts for 6th Grade

I am not sure if I shared this before, but 2015 has been an interesting, and challenging year.  When I resigned my LPN position in Dec of 2014, my husband and I decided I should go back to school and finish up my RN that I actually started over 15 years ago.  This has been easier said than done, for a lot of reasons.  After much research, praying, and thinking, I have decided that I will start with my pre reqs.  Because, even though I have been an LPN for 30 years, you still either have to take the classes for the credits, or challenge the exam.  This applies even for bridge, or speedy RN classes.  Most people take the test, and get the credits.  So, I am starting with college level Algebra 1.  I know I am crazy, but it is most applicable to the class my son needs the most help with, and the most challenging test probably for me.  I was going to do the English's first, but decided for the Math classes.  I can not take a test for all pre reqs but almost all of them.  Then as I get closer, I can enroll and hopefully get accepted into the nursing program.  Anyway there are several websites, that I will be using to basically take the course for free, then take the paid exam for the credits.  There are paid courses, but why would I want to do that?  I am using Saylor for Algebra 1, and I hope to have it finished, and ready for the test in 30 days.  I know that is ambitious, but some of this stuff I actually know already. 

For my 6th grader, I am working very hard with her this year on her writing and grammar skills.  She is getting frequent writing assignments, almost daily, this year.  So far, they have been fairly short and without too much difficulty.  Since, I want her to learn research too, I will starting a new endeavor for her.  I will give her a letter, in order, from A-Z per week.  She can pick a topic that starts with that letter, that interests her.  She will have one school week, to research, do a rough draft, edit, and then publish to her blog.  I will only be giving her basic help, and tips esp in the editing dept.  All three of us are using a free app called Notebooks, on our devices, to save on paper to take notes, write, and edit our information.  This is a nice way for them to learn to take notes, and use their devices effectively.  Plus, it never seems I can find a pen in this house, lol. 

So, that is what we have been up to.  We have family coming to visit from out of state, next week, so we won't be getting a lot of school work done.  DJ will have to keep up with his FLVS, but neither of those are horribly time consuming. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Disappointed in Science Curriculum

It just is not what I thought it was, a full year curriculum, that was being offered to free to the first certain number of people who signed up.  Guess what, it was three lessons for free, and I advertised a lot for this curriculum.  Oh well, live and learn, should have asked more questions, should have investigated more.  Bleh!

So, instead Caitlin and I will be doing Geography and Geology for 6th grade Science.  She needs to work on map skills, and Geography in general, and we all love rocks in this house.  So, this will work out just fine.  Here are some of the links to websites we will be using.  We actually have a rock tumbler, and some rough.  So, as soon as I remember to buy some grit we can polish some gemstones.

I also have a world History book, but I will be using it for the awesome world maps in this book.  I love maps, especially old maps.  I think we will do some map crafts, and sell some in my Etsy store.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Supplemental Work or Homework Help for 3rd Grade

This is a post by request, for a friend of mine.  These should all be free, and either printable or online.  They have limited internet due to where they live, so if that is your situation as well, you might like some of these.  I will not share any apps, or purchased items for this post. 




Arts and Crafts/Hands On  for Math/Reading:

Monday, September 14, 2015

We Survived the First Week but More Hands On Means Less Time for Other Stuff

We made it through the first week, and it went really well.  DJ has taken to his two FLVS classes, without difficulty.  Though he did say the Digital Design is kind of hard.  I reminded him that, that subject is all new to him and can not expect to learn it over night.  Caitlin has settled in more for her second week, not so much drama.  Her, and I, are doing a lot of hands on together work, this year.  I feel like she kind of got neglected last year, and am giving her extra teacher attention this year.  We are currently reading, The Yearling, together.  Some homeschoolers love this book, others hate it.  We are on chapter 4, and I love it.  At first she said it was boring, but now she is getting into it.  Because, the book takes place in rural Florida, we get a kick out of some of the language, and descriptions of where they live.  We discuss vocabulary words, and what is happening as we go along.  I think this will really benefit her, and me a lot.  Plus, sometime this year we can visit the Marjorie Keenan Rollins museum, which will be fun.  I don't know if I spelled her name right, too tired to look it up.

I will be doing a post later this week, that will be all supplemental work for a 3rd grader.  A friend of mine asked me to help her find some resources, so I thought I would share it here for all my readers too.  There is tons of info on this blog, but if you don't have to search for it, that is nice too. 

We did get to walk today, using our Charity Miles, apps, so that was nice.  It rained all last week, but one day. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Day of Homeschool for 6th and 10th Grade

We survived the first day of 6th and 10th grade. Minus some 6th grade Math drama, the day went very smooth. My 6th grader, and I, are doing a lot of hands on learning this year. I am hoping it will help her memory for remember facts and such. This greatly limits my time for other things including, house work, yard work, and crafting. Three things I love, but there will be plenty of time for that later in the year. Note, I do not love house work, lol, but I do love a clean house. Of course we took first day of school pictures. My kids hate these, now that they are older. The first image is of a very small lizard attempting to eat a rather large moth. He actually froze in place for us to take his picture. The Passion Vine, I did not plant, has produced tons of Zebra Longwing and Gulf Fritillary caterpillars. We have witnessed the hatching of three chyrsallis' and that is always fun. The last school year was full of drama, stumbling blocks, and family emergencies. Here is to a more stable school year. We do have family coming to visit, the first week of October, so we will be on an early break for a few days. Tomorrow we start up our daily walking, and Charity Miles app. My new phone should be here soon, so my 15 yr old can finally replace the phone he drowned, and leave mine alone. Happy homeschooling! I will try to keep up with this blog, at least a few times a week. Lots of goodies, and ideas we are trying out this year. We get to be your free guinea pig, lol.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hart Springs and Westard Ho

We have been to Hart Springs a few times. But, every time we go it is flooded so we can't swim in the springs. It is still a beautiful park with stuff to keep you busy, but swimming is the main thing to do. Yesterday, we headed out with some homeschool friends, and the water was a little high, but the springs were beautiful anyway. Just some slippery walls when getting out, because the algae grows when the water is above the wall. But other than that minor inconvenience, everyone had a ball. It rained before we got there, and right when it was time to go, so that was perfect. We will definitely visit there again, soon.

The other day, when reviewing curriculum for this year, which starts in less than a week. I discovered Caitlin really does not want to do the Middle Ages, and was looking forward to learning about the West. Grr, good thing I am flexible. Anyway, I was over looking some of the websites I saved, and they are OK, but not great. So, I got on my trusty Kindle to see what books I could find. One of them was Westward Ho. I started reading this book, 2 nights ago, and it is awesome! The activities that come with the stories are wonderful, and fairly easy. We will have a lot of fun with this book. It is available for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. You can see it here.

I think we are pretty much set for the new year. DJ is waiting for seats in his 2 virtual school classes. That is not unusual. He starts Marine Ecology group, today, and Guitar Club next week. Busy, busy, busy.

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