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Monday, April 16, 2012

How Plants and Animals Adapt In A Desert

Today, was our coop day. Usually when it is my turn, I host at my home. Since one of the families could not come all the way to my house today, I let her host, and I brought all the education material. Caitlin had asked me a few weeks ago: If there is no rain in the desert then how do plants and animals survive there? So I told her we could find out when it is our turn to host the coop again. I think the kids really like this lesson, and had a good time learning. The video below is nice and short, for younger kids attention spans. There are resources all over for printing reading material. I used Edhelper to make a word search, and writing assignment for the older kids. The two younger ones got a coloring page, and a printing assignment. A great day.

Someone has turned on the heat again. Last week was so lovely, now we are scorching again. Craig had to go to a structure fire as soon as he got home, and a grass fire yesterday. I want my kids to learn about preventing fires outside the home, so we will be doing something with that in the near future. It is hot and dry, with no rain or humidity, so the conditions are ripe. People being careless is the leading cause of why fires start both in the home, and out of the home. My tomato plants are getting huge, they love the heat, and are just growing away. My mom gave me two huge tractor tires. We are going to paint them and then make one a flower garden, and the other a vegetable garden. I have pepper plants coming up too, and will probably add some cucumbers. Do you have a garden? My yellow rose bush is huge this year, and I need to find another post to help prop it up.


Anne said...

We are having a lot of issues with brush fires now. We haven't had rain in forever.

Melissa said...

It finally rained quite a bit this morning, but there are still lots of wild fires all over FL. You guys had such a dry winter too, that can not be a good thing.

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