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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Piranhas and Poetry!

I have probably mentioned this before but I hate teaching Grammar. There are so many rules to remember, argh! It is boring too! But, I will get to that in a minute.

Yesterday was a co-op day, at another friend's house. We learned about piranhas. As with any misunderstood, not so attractive looking creature, people are naturally petrified of Piranhas. We watched the video below and it was quite interesting. I won't tell you the whole story, but it had to do with Piranhas being found in the US. Watch it, it was neat. We also went for a walk as a group, did a craft and had lunch together. Then the kids get to have some play time after. The next one is in two weeks. We also had our first 4H meeting of the new year last night. DJ was elected as the photographer again, so he was excited. I tried to get him to go for another position, but he had no interest. Caitlin still does not feel like she wants to hold an officer position yet. My kids are doing Photography, Entomology and Butterflies for their project books. But, the group project is First Aid. I am looking forward to them learning something so good. They decided what scarecrow they wanted to make for their group Scarecrow. This year they are doing The Cat in the Hat.

Today was a full day of lessons, and DJ had to make up his writing assignment from yesterday plus all his other work. This is how we get to do more social things. They have to make up whatever they miss on the fun day, on another day. They don't seem to mind, so it works for us. I chose his topic this week, I wanted two writing assignments a week, but it is only working out to one a week so far, and we alternate the topic. I chose for him to write a poem about a pumpkin. Hop over to his blog and check it out.

Tomorrow we have a playdate at the park. Each kid will have to complete some kind of school work before we go. DJ will probably read and Caitlin will probably do Head of the Class. I hope the weather is nice. I am so glad it is Fall and the hot sticky stuff is mostly gone for the year.

Caitlin will be really expanding her Grammar and Math this year. That will be my main focus for her. She is struggling with the rules of plural nouns, especially es, and ies. Every time I think she has it, poof there it went. So, I found this cute video for her to watch. Sometimes watching it, rather than listening to me try to explain it, helps them see it in a different way. Do you like Grammar? Did you enjoy learning it in school?

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