This week was easy to choose. As soon as I saw this, I knew it was what I was going to do. Anyone who knows me, knows I love Christmas. I love everything about it, the decorating, family, friends, religion, gifts, tags, bows all of it. But probably the thing I have always loved, are the Christmas specials. I still watch them, and it is kind of a tradition to my kids too. On ABC Family they have the twenty five days of Christmas. Every evening a Christmas special comes on. Sometimes we have to Tivo it, but we watch them all. One of my absolute favorites is A Christmas Carol, from the book by Charles Dickens. I have seen so many variations of this movie, my two favorites being the Flintstones, and Mickey Mouse versions. This year Disney is releasing a new version, starring Jim Carey, one of my favorite actors. It will be released on November 6, and I hope we can get to the theaters to see it. It should be so good. If I don't get to the theater, it will definitely be on my Netflix list, for as soon as it is released to DVD. Check out the trailer for A Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carey, below.
Wow I managed to get a lot of C's in there. Here is just two more. Below you will find a picture of Caitlin, with her cat, Bandit. This is one of the kitties we have been taking care of since the mom abandoned him in our bushes, months ago. He has turned into the most friendly kitty, from a scared, and mean kitty. It is not the most flattering picture to him, as I think the camera scared him. We were messing around trying to make fancy backgrounds for pictures, and he got in it. My camera skills are much lacking, and practice is my mode LOL.
Hi Melissa, when the "...ber" months start, Christmas is just around the corner! I was just at the mall this afternoon at work, and I saw this Carey's Christmas Carol very well advertised. I want to see that too!
Caitlin and Bandit looks so sweet together!
Enjoy your weekend, or maybe you should start your Christmas shopping. Haha!
Thank you Ebie, and yes I already started my Christmas shopping. At least half way done.
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