Today is Martin Luther King Jr Day. It is a national holiday, here in the states, to pay respect to the great civil rights activist. The History channel sends me emails, to tell me about cool programs they will be having on, and today at 4PM Eastern time, there is a documentary on the great Mr King. If you have a DVR record it, and use it in your lessons. I love the History channel because they have done all the research for me, and put it in a nice little documentary. You can also go to the
History. com website, to see clips, lesson plans, etc.
Instructor Web also has lesson plans on Martin Luther King Jr. These are not free lessons however. I paid 30 dollars for one year, but I get complete access to all their lessons. I think it is a good deal. Here is a whole page of
resources for crafts, for kids to do, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day. Do you have a dream? Mr King had a dream, that all people, of all races could someday live together in harmony as equals. Do you feel his dream has been met? As a writing assignment, you could have your child, or students write a story about a dream they have, and how they think they can make that dream come true.
Martin Luther King Day CommentsMyspace 2.0 Layouts
Hi... I am a former teacher from the Phils. and I am always fascinated with the Homeschooling System here in the US. That is something unheard off back home. I am linking your blog up in my Educator's Link... I hope you don't mind. You don't have to return the favor if you don't wanna. Take care.
Thank you so much, what a compliment. I will add your site to my favorites.
These are some great resources. I have to pay more attention to the history channel. I haven't watched it much but you always mention such interesting sounding programs.
it's a great dream, and we continue to live that dream. hopefully, someday, we all will be in harmony, no war, no terrorism....and no poverty..
He was a great man. There was a scheduled grand parade and celebration today, but it rained all day.
Once in a while we tune to the history channel and discovery channel.
My computer conked out, luckily my neighbor was able to fix it. We instead went to see a movie.
Anne thanks, I never paid much attention to it, until I started to homeschool.
Betchai, we can only hope, and never give up.
Ebie, he most certainly was an amazing man. I hope your computer is feeling better now.
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