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Monday, September 9, 2013

First Grade Homeschool Supplemental Curriculum

This is a post for a friend who is just beginning to homeschool.  Since I remember how overwhelming it was, when I began, I decided to help her on her way.  I titled this as supplemental because she already has some books, and workbooks, and needed some fun ways to teach.  I have to say the younger years, up to say grade 5, are fun to teach and fun for the kids to learn.  Or at least it should be.  The new Common Core standards, which I am not saying I am against, really put a lot of strain on kids to learn harder material a lot younger.  I think this is going to be a failed process, because not all kids can learn harder material at such a young age. 

Renee, when you look at the first link, it is just a basic curriculum for first grade.  Click on each subject to see what Eric would generally learn for that grade. Don't worry about all the other stuff on the page, for now.    You can add or delete as you see fit.  The links provided are some of the best, and I have used myself.  There are tons more, but can be overwhelming to decide.  History and Science, in first grade, is not as important as say Reading, Writing and Math, but can add some fun to the school day.  If you have Netflix, Liberty Kids, and The Magic School Bus can both be viewed on there.  Kids love these series, and learn so much from just watching the show.


Renee said...

Thanks so much, Melissa!

Melissa said...

You are welcome, Renee! Let me know if you need anymore help.

Currclick for Homeschoolers


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