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Monday, December 1, 2008

The Decorating Is Done, The Christmas Cards Are Sent

It has been a busy, and hectic weekend. I can almost say I am glad it is Monday. My husband had 4 days off, wow that does not happen very often. My job canceled me for both of my scheduled nights, so I got a ton of work done here at home. The Christmas decorations are all up, the cards are ready to go out in the mail today. I made out our lesson plans, for the whole month of December. I would love to share this website with you
Your kids can send Santa a letter, right online, and they get a letter back online. No stamps needed. Plus there are all kinds of activities, and even lessons for teachers, and homeschoolers. Be sure to check it out, your kids will love it. I found two prospects for online work, and am hoping they work out. I have two lesson plans to post, because I did not post one yesterday. I hope everyone has a great Monday.

Lesson Plan for 12/1/08:

Writing: Write how to clean your room
Reading: Read chapter 1 of Afternoon in the Amazon
Art: Draw a Christmas tree, and Santa advent calenders
Spelling: Lesson 11- write each 2 times each, once in print, and once in cursive
Vocabulary: Lesson 11- look up the definition for each vocabulary word
Math: Addition, Fact families, multiplication
Spanish: Food and utensils part 2
Language Arts: Verbs, phonics review
Word find: Music

Lesson Plan for 12/2/08:

Science: Simple machines
Writing: Write about your least favorite food
Reading: Read chapter 2 of Afternoon on the Amazon
Spelling: Lesson 11 write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Vocabulary: Use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Language Arts: Verbs, phonics review
Math: Fact families, multiplication, division
Spanish: Food and utensils part 2
PE: 30 minutes
ITP: Music class


Anonymous said...

that's great, i am late in my Christmas decorations, I just feel lazy the past week :(

Melissa said...

Those lazy weeks are great, though aren't they? Have a great week, betchai

Anonymous said...

yes, coz we get a lot of rest and day dreaming during the lazy week :) i hope you too have a great week, melissa

i think i am a little sick though, i'll see if i can squeeze an appintment with doctor tomorrow, my throat is just so itchy, it started with bad allergies, but went to nasal drip, and now, cough :( the bad thing is my back aches when i cough

Melissa said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

thanks, melissa. i was able to see doctor today, my coughing has improved a bit, but she told me my backache is not about my coughing it is more period related :( oh oh, sometimes, what women have to go through :)

Melissa said...

Yes it is great to be a woman.

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