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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Learning With Lapbooks and Learning Centers

If your child attends public school you are probably already familiar with learning centers. They are centers set up with a goal oriented lesson, and all the activities that would accompany that topic. I think they are great and Evan Moor sells some very nice ones. However, I don't have room to have all the learning centers I would need to have in one school year.

That brings me to lapbooks. Now I have never made one of these, but I really like them. We will be trying one of these for Caitlin next year, for animals. To me they are kind of like a themed unit study that you put together in a book format, that your child can read over numerous times to learn the material needed to understand the topic. A big part of first grade centers around dinosaurs, and several different types of animals. At the bottom of this blog you will find a website that is dedicated completely to dinosaurs for kids. You can use it as you need to help with a dinosaur lapbook. Here are some websites I found that give you ideas how to make lapbooks, and the supplies you would need for different topics.

If you use lapbooks, or learning centers drop me a comment of which ones you like, or don't like.

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