As I stated in my previous post, Caitlin and I will be doing Art together this year. Probably once a week, we will study an artist, and do a remake of one of their paintings, or paint in their style. I chose Grandma Moses, quite by accident. I came across it while searching for something else. I didn't even know Grandma Moses was an artist. I often wondered where the term came from. The painting below, by Grandma Moses, is Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey. She was a folk artist, painting the images of her time when she was growing up in NY. We will do a Fall, or Halloween setting, using her method of folk art. If you would like to learn about Grandma Moses, The piece below, and more of her art work can be found at,
You can find more of her art pieces by doing a simple search on Wikiart, where the piece below is located. The piece below, and more of her art work can be found at,