I can not post the videos because youtube has put a hold on them for some reason. But I can still discuss it. It was obvious to me that Adam, and Allison would go through. They were both amazing. I was very surprised by Kris. I liked him, and he sang very well, but I did not think it was anything drastically amazing. I thought Megan would have been the third contestant to go through this week. She was unique, and has a great voice. She can not dance, and is very awkward looking on the stage, but her voice was great. It was nice to see Brooke White back, and performing her new single. It was a nice song, she is probably one of the nicest contestants there has ever been. This one I can put up, listen to it, it is soft and lovely. I hope she does well, go Brooke.
Tons of homeschool info, tips, and links. Homeschooling in Florida, plus lots of other great info. Join me on our Homeschool journey. I have been adding to this blog for almost our whole time as homeschoolers, eight years. There is an abundance of info at your fingertips.
Friday, February 27, 2009
American Idol Review
American Idol,
brooke white,
new single,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Car Accidents, Observing Lent
It has been a crazy week here. On Monday my sister, who still lives in NY, hit black ice, and wrecked her car. Thank goodness she is ok, sore, and stiff but no major injuries. She is out of work, and without a car but it could be worse. Then today, my husband's boss was going to pick him up for work, so I could keep the car today. On her way here, someone rear ended her, while she was turning onto our street. Her car is damaged, but driveable. She has a goose egg on her head, and some sore muscles, but should be fine. They say these things happen in threes, I really hope that is not true.
Yesterday of course was Ashe Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. My husband and son, decided that they would observe Lent this year. They attend a non denominational church, and the church does offer services for Ashe Wednesday. So my husband has given up red meat, and pork until Easter, which is the end of Lent. I am not sure my husband can stick with this, but I will definitely be supportive. I think all that red meat, is unhealthy anyways. Maybe we will drop 10 pounds or more, in the next 43 days. My son gave up one of his favorite video games. It will be interesting to see how they each do, with their sacrifices.
Yesterday of course was Ashe Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent. My husband and son, decided that they would observe Lent this year. They attend a non denominational church, and the church does offer services for Ashe Wednesday. So my husband has given up red meat, and pork until Easter, which is the end of Lent. I am not sure my husband can stick with this, but I will definitely be supportive. I think all that red meat, is unhealthy anyways. Maybe we will drop 10 pounds or more, in the next 43 days. My son gave up one of his favorite video games. It will be interesting to see how they each do, with their sacrifices.
ashe wednesday,
car accidents,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Second Hand Smoke Lesson Plan
Tomorrow for Health we will be focusing on second hand smoke, and not smoking at all. We all know peer pressure, and what they see adults do has a tremendous effect on choices they make in their lives. Education can teach them why they should not smoke, and the effects smoke has on them, and others around them.
Here is the lesson as outlined in our book:
Secondhand smoke is just as harmful to you as firsthand smoke. Secondhand smoke occurs, when you inhale another person's cigarette smoke, that is floating in the air around you. Sometimes secondhand smoke is hard to avoid. Many public places such as malls, restaurants, and airplanes have banned smoking as well as other public places. However, you may still find yourself in places where people smoke, like in your home, a friends home, or car. In the space on your paper, draw a billboard to convince lawmakers to ban smoking in all public places. You can use pictures, words, and anything else to make your point.
Whether or not you agree with this issue is not the point of this topic. I believe secondhand smoke is dangerous, and that is what I teach my children. If you do not believe that, then you can teach your kids as you see fit. Below is a short Superman clip for young kids to see that smoking is not cool.
Lesson Plans for 2/26/09:
Fire Drill week
Reading: Chapter 7 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Health: Secondhand smoke
Language arts: Quotation marks
Math: Pictographs, multiplication, division
Writing: Write a story about fire safety
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 22- put your spelling words in alphabetical order
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- write each vocabulary word, and the meaning 2x each
Here is the lesson as outlined in our book:
Secondhand smoke is just as harmful to you as firsthand smoke. Secondhand smoke occurs, when you inhale another person's cigarette smoke, that is floating in the air around you. Sometimes secondhand smoke is hard to avoid. Many public places such as malls, restaurants, and airplanes have banned smoking as well as other public places. However, you may still find yourself in places where people smoke, like in your home, a friends home, or car. In the space on your paper, draw a billboard to convince lawmakers to ban smoking in all public places. You can use pictures, words, and anything else to make your point.
Whether or not you agree with this issue is not the point of this topic. I believe secondhand smoke is dangerous, and that is what I teach my children. If you do not believe that, then you can teach your kids as you see fit. Below is a short Superman clip for young kids to see that smoking is not cool.
Lesson Plans for 2/26/09:
Fire Drill week
Reading: Chapter 7 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Health: Secondhand smoke
Language arts: Quotation marks
Math: Pictographs, multiplication, division
Writing: Write a story about fire safety
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 22- put your spelling words in alphabetical order
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- write each vocabulary word, and the meaning 2x each
healthy kids,
secondhand smoke,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Our Changing Earth
Today for Science class, we are learning about our changing Earth. Here are 3 vidoes that we will be using to supplement, the lesson plan. I find my kids learn best, if they can see it as well as hear it, or read it. Fell free to watch them, and use them. The 4D Globe one, is really cool.
Lesson Plans For 2/25/09:
Fire Drill Week
Reading: Chapter 6 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Social Studies: Shelters of animals and people
Language Arts: commas, proof reading
Math: Line plots, multiplication, division
Writing: We need teachers
Spelling: Lesson 22- write each spelling word and circle the consonants
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spanish: review
Lesson Plans For 2/25/09:
Fire Drill Week
Reading: Chapter 6 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Social Studies: Shelters of animals and people
Language Arts: commas, proof reading
Math: Line plots, multiplication, division
Writing: We need teachers
Spelling: Lesson 22- write each spelling word and circle the consonants
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spanish: review
3rd grade science,
free lesson plans,
Monday, February 23, 2009
Cross Country By James Patterson

Lesson Plans for 2/24/09:
Reading: Chapter 5 of Vacation Under the Volcano
Science: Earths changing surface
Language Arts: Commas, proof reading
Math: Line plots, multiplication, division
Writing: Friends are very important
Spelling: Lesson 22- write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Fire prevention: themed unit
Spanish: Review
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Final Fire Prevention, Fire Drill Week
Tomorrow will start our final Fire Drill/Prevention week of this school year. We go over fire prevention, escape routes, fire drills, and safe meeting places, and alternate routes of escape. This is the video we will be watching, and then a themed unit on Fire Safety will follow.
Lesson Plans for 2/23/09:
FD week
Reading: Chapter 4 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Language Arts: Commas, proof reading
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: My best friend is
History Channel: John Adams 60 min
Spanish: review
Spelling: Lesson 22- write each spelling word 2 times each
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- look up the definition for each word
Art: Presidents Day
Lesson Plans for 2/23/09:
FD week
Reading: Chapter 4 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Language Arts: Commas, proof reading
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: My best friend is
History Channel: John Adams 60 min
Spanish: review
Spelling: Lesson 22- write each spelling word 2 times each
Vocabulary: Lesson 22- look up the definition for each word
Art: Presidents Day
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I Love American Idol
I am so excited about this season, and the way they are picking the top 12 contestants. The three that made it this week were Alexis Grace, Michael, and Danny. I think these were definitely the best of this group. I was not sure Michael would make it, but I am glad he did. I was so happy Tatiana did not go through, I just do not care for her, plus her song and outfit was very boring for her. I am going to try on Saturdays, to do an American Idol post. If you follow, let me know what you think. My 8 yr old was very upset when Stevie the 17 yr old girl, did not make it. I think he has a crush.
Alexis Grace,
American Idol,
top 12
Friday, February 20, 2009
Feeling Much Better Yay!
Yes I am feeling much better, amazing what 36 hrs of strict rest can do for you. Now obviously I did not just lay in bed all day, I do have two children, but you can rest as much as possible. Yesterday's Health class was supposed to be about controlling colds, what a coincidence, so I am going to give some tips that I use to help us feel better faster. I would like to mention two things before I do 1- I work in the medical field, and am very comfortable treating my children. I do not advice, nor should anyone, taking medical advice from a blog or other website, without consulting a doctor. 2- If you already have a medical disorder, you should always consult your doctor about safety.
Handwashing, of course is the best way to decrease the transfer of germs. This only works if everyone does this. Obviously that is why the cold is so easy to catch, and transfer. What I do, is the second someone shows symptoms of a cold, whether that be a scratchy throat, or sniffly nose, I clean the all sinks, faucets, and door knobs with diluted household bleach. 1 capful to a gallon of water, should be sufficient. Some people throw out their toothbrushes, this is negatable whether it works or not. I put ours, and the dish cloth, outside in the sun. That brings me to my next point, germs do not like sun light. Open your curtains, blinds, drapes whatever and get some light in your house. Germs thrive in warmth, so try to keep your heat at a reasonable temperature, they can not grow and accumulate if it is not warm, and humid enough. Drink lots of fluids, and I mean lots of liquids. If you have a sore throat, or just feel blah, take Tylenol to help so you can feel like drinking. Popsicles, jello, and other cold treats are great ways to get kids to drink with a sore throat. This one is the most important, and works the best. Do not eat or drink any dairy products. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding, and ice cream. Unless your child will not drink anything else, they will not die without milk for 36 hours. Of course if you have a very small child you should be consulting a doctor. Milk increases the amount of congestion you will have, due to a lactose in the milk. If you do not have a humidifier, you can take a hot shower or bath, keep the door and curtain closed so you are inhaling the steam. This will help loosen secretions so they are easier to cough up. If your child has a fever, or yourself, do not get in to warm water, just stand behind the curtain to inhale the fumes, you will increase the fever very quickly. Cold medications are a great way to sooth symptoms, and make you at least feel better, use them with great caution in small children, and if under 2 never give without a doctors consent. Rest, Rest, Rest, at least 36 hours, of decreased activity, and as much sleep as possible. Sleep helps the body heal itself. I like to drink Green Tea, to help cleanse the toxins from my body. Use with caution if you take any medications, ask your doctor first. I have not seen where Green Tea is or is not ok for kids, so you might want to ask your doctor before giving it to kids, under 12. I still obviously have my cold, as it will last at least 7 days, but 36 hours after the onset of symptoms I am able to go back to my normal routine, and just feel a little junky.
Handwashing, of course is the best way to decrease the transfer of germs. This only works if everyone does this. Obviously that is why the cold is so easy to catch, and transfer. What I do, is the second someone shows symptoms of a cold, whether that be a scratchy throat, or sniffly nose, I clean the all sinks, faucets, and door knobs with diluted household bleach. 1 capful to a gallon of water, should be sufficient. Some people throw out their toothbrushes, this is negatable whether it works or not. I put ours, and the dish cloth, outside in the sun. That brings me to my next point, germs do not like sun light. Open your curtains, blinds, drapes whatever and get some light in your house. Germs thrive in warmth, so try to keep your heat at a reasonable temperature, they can not grow and accumulate if it is not warm, and humid enough. Drink lots of fluids, and I mean lots of liquids. If you have a sore throat, or just feel blah, take Tylenol to help so you can feel like drinking. Popsicles, jello, and other cold treats are great ways to get kids to drink with a sore throat. This one is the most important, and works the best. Do not eat or drink any dairy products. This includes milk, cheese, yogurt, pudding, and ice cream. Unless your child will not drink anything else, they will not die without milk for 36 hours. Of course if you have a very small child you should be consulting a doctor. Milk increases the amount of congestion you will have, due to a lactose in the milk. If you do not have a humidifier, you can take a hot shower or bath, keep the door and curtain closed so you are inhaling the steam. This will help loosen secretions so they are easier to cough up. If your child has a fever, or yourself, do not get in to warm water, just stand behind the curtain to inhale the fumes, you will increase the fever very quickly. Cold medications are a great way to sooth symptoms, and make you at least feel better, use them with great caution in small children, and if under 2 never give without a doctors consent. Rest, Rest, Rest, at least 36 hours, of decreased activity, and as much sleep as possible. Sleep helps the body heal itself. I like to drink Green Tea, to help cleanse the toxins from my body. Use with caution if you take any medications, ask your doctor first. I have not seen where Green Tea is or is not ok for kids, so you might want to ask your doctor before giving it to kids, under 12. I still obviously have my cold, as it will last at least 7 days, but 36 hours after the onset of symptoms I am able to go back to my normal routine, and just feel a little junky.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sick Day!
This is our first official Sick Day, since we started home schooling two years ago. I just can not function today. Thank goodness I am not sick very often, blah yucko. We will make up what we missed today, tomorrow, after tests are completed.

Get Well Comments
Myspace Comments - Upload Photos
Get Well Comments
Myspace Comments - Upload Photos
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Amazing Coral Islands Video, Reklaxation, Stress Reduction
My kids love to watch these lovely short videos. This one is one of the nicer ones I have found. If you are someone who is stressed, and looking for a way to relieve some of it, watch this video. It is beautiful, and set to lovely music. Since a lot of second, and third grade Science has centered around animals, habitats, and ocean life this is an exceptionally nice video for us. Speaking of Science we planted, onions, and lettuce the other day. They are both cold weather vegetables, and if you plant the onions with the lettuce it helps keeps bugs away. We have had much better luck with cold weather veggies, rather than hot weather. Wish us luck.
Lesson Plans for 2/19/09:
Reading: Chapter 3 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Language Arts: Abbreviations, capitalization
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: My family and I like to do things
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 21- alphabetical order
Vocabulary: Lesson 21- write each vocab word, and the meaning 2x each
Health: Cold Control
History Channel: Abraham Lincoln part two 60 min
Lesson Plans for 2/19/09:
Reading: Chapter 3 of Vacation Under the Volcanoes
Language Arts: Abbreviations, capitalization
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: My family and I like to do things
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 21- alphabetical order
Vocabulary: Lesson 21- write each vocab word, and the meaning 2x each
Health: Cold Control
History Channel: Abraham Lincoln part two 60 min
animals habitats,
coral islands,
coral reef,
sea life,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Manatees The Mermaids Of Florida
Spanish explorers thought Manatees were mermaids, that is why they are called sea mermaids, and sometimes sea cows. Manatees are gentle giants, that are becoming endangered due to human encroachment. In the winter they come into the warm springs, to sort of hybernate until the warm weather returns. There are some places that will actually let you swim with them, however it is mostly considered harassment of the animal to do so. Here are some cool facts about Manatees:
Manatees can be more than 12 feet long, and weigh more than 3500 pounds, that is a pretty big mermaid.
They eat at much as 100 pounds of vegetation per day.
It takes 13 months for a manatee calf to be born, and females only reproduce every 2-5 years.
Manatees can hold their breath up to 24 minutes.
Manatees are closely related to elephants.
We have actually seen them in person, and have pictures of them. I wanted to share them with you, but they have been developed, and removed from the computer. This video below, is a beautiful example of the gentle giants. My kids love to watch them, almost as much as the birds.
Lesson Plans for 2/18/09:
Reading: Chapter two of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone
Social Studies: Flat maps and globes
Language Arts: End marks, proof reading
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: If I was a teacher for the day, I would do this
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 21- write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Vocabulary: Lesson 21- Think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
History channel: Abe Lincoln part one
Manatees can be more than 12 feet long, and weigh more than 3500 pounds, that is a pretty big mermaid.
They eat at much as 100 pounds of vegetation per day.
It takes 13 months for a manatee calf to be born, and females only reproduce every 2-5 years.
Manatees can hold their breath up to 24 minutes.
Manatees are closely related to elephants.
We have actually seen them in person, and have pictures of them. I wanted to share them with you, but they have been developed, and removed from the computer. This video below, is a beautiful example of the gentle giants. My kids love to watch them, almost as much as the birds.
Lesson Plans for 2/18/09:
Reading: Chapter two of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone
Social Studies: Flat maps and globes
Language Arts: End marks, proof reading
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: If I was a teacher for the day, I would do this
Spanish: Review
Spelling: Lesson 21- write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Vocabulary: Lesson 21- Think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
History channel: Abe Lincoln part one
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Contest For The Sylvan Books Has Started
This is a quick reminder that the contest for the 4th Grade Sylvan educational workbooks has begun. The reminder at the top of this blog, will stay there until the contest ends. I will be adding the reminder to my other blogs as well. To enter you need to either contact me here on this blog, or at darien04@gmail.com and tell me who the books will be for. You must have, or know a child, that can use the books. You must be either a homeschooler, or have a child, grandchild, niece, or nephew that needs extra help with the subjects listed. At the end of the contest date, anyone who contacted me will have their names put in a hat, and one winner drawn. Please ask if you have any questions. My main goal is to be sure these go to a child that needs them.
Lesson Plans for 2/17/09:
A quick note on our reading list. DJ has decided he does not want to read anymore of his Magic Tree House Books, for school. So we will be starting the Harry Potter series instead, with a goal of a chapter a day.
Reading: Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Science: Gravity themed unit
Vocabulary: Lesson 21- look up the definition for each vocabulary word
Spelling: Lesson 21- write each spelling word two times each
Language Arts: Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Tally charts, multiplication, division
Writing: Book report for Ghost Town at Sundown
Spanish: review
History channel- George Washington 60 minutes
Abe Lincoln- themed unit start
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tomorrow Is Presidents Day
Tomorrow is Presidents Day, and I found some cool stuff to help teach your kids about this holiday. Go here to see the shows that will be showing, and their times, on the Biography channel. They start tomorrow at 7 AM, so be sure not to miss them. This website also has teaching ideas, and you can sign up for their free idea magazine, which I did. Then if you click on the Bio4Kids link, you will go to a website with games, and ideas for teaching kids about History. I love this site. Last is this cool video showcasing all the US Presidents from beginning, to recent.
There is no school tomorrow, but we will be using all these tools, for History this week. Have a great Sunday, everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day.
There is no school tomorrow, but we will be using all these tools, for History this week. Have a great Sunday, everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Make These Simple Valentines Treats
corn flakes,
kids treats,
Valentines Day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Amber Alert 5 Year Old Florida Girl Missing
This 5 yr old child disappeared almost two days ago, snatched from her own bed, in Northeastern Florida. Please watch the video, and if you have seen this child, or have any information please contact the local police department.
5 yr old,
amber alert,
child kidnapping,
Haleigh Cummings,
lost child
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Bicycle Safety, Prevention of Illness
Health class tomorrow will focus on prevention of illness. Good hand washing, manners when coughing or sneezing, and throwing out your tissues, are all excellent ways of preventing the spread of germs. We will also be focusing on good tooth brushing skills, and bicycle safety. Below are some cute, and excellent videos high lighting all of these topics. Feel free to watch, and share them with your children.
Lesson Plans for 2/12/09:
Reading: Read chapter 10 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Health: Prevention of illness, bicycle safety
Language Arts; Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Using tables, multiplication, division, units of capacity
Writing: Valentines Day is about?
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- write each vocabulary word, and definition 2x each
Spelling: Lesson 19- put your spelling words in alphabetical order
PE: 30 minutes
Spanish: review
Lesson Plans for 2/12/09:
Reading: Read chapter 10 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Health: Prevention of illness, bicycle safety
Language Arts; Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Using tables, multiplication, division, units of capacity
Writing: Valentines Day is about?
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- write each vocabulary word, and definition 2x each
Spelling: Lesson 19- put your spelling words in alphabetical order
PE: 30 minutes
Spanish: review
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Spanish Review, Valentines Day History
Why do we celebrate Valentines Day, and what is the history. Go here to watch a short video from the History Channel explaining it. This will be part of our History lesson for tomorrow.
We have been studying some Spanish words, for a whole quarter. I have a disc I purchased, but I do not care for it much. I do like the feature where I can print off the words, and their meanings. We studied, and wrote them every day until we memorized them. Now we need to learn to speak it properly. Below are three videos we will be watching everyday, until the end of the school year. They are numbers 1-10, colors, and food and utensils. We also learned body parts, but I can not find a video for it yet. Feel free to use them as you wish.
Lesson Plans for 2/11/09:
Reading: Chapter 9 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Social Studies: Flat maps and globes, Valentines Day
Language Arts: Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Using tables, multiplication, division
Writing: The best thing about school is
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spelling: Lesson 19- write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Spanish: review videos
We have been studying some Spanish words, for a whole quarter. I have a disc I purchased, but I do not care for it much. I do like the feature where I can print off the words, and their meanings. We studied, and wrote them every day until we memorized them. Now we need to learn to speak it properly. Below are three videos we will be watching everyday, until the end of the school year. They are numbers 1-10, colors, and food and utensils. We also learned body parts, but I can not find a video for it yet. Feel free to use them as you wish.
Lesson Plans for 2/11/09:
Reading: Chapter 9 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Social Studies: Flat maps and globes, Valentines Day
Language Arts: Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Using tables, multiplication, division
Writing: The best thing about school is
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spelling: Lesson 19- write each spelling word, and circle the vowels
Spanish: review videos
learn spanish,
lesson plans,
Valentines Day History,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Using A Compass, Valentines Day
Tomorrow for Science class we will be studying about using a compass. I have a work sheet from our Science book, but I thought a little video to supplement would be good. Here is a short, and simple video on how to use a Compass, that we will be using. Of course having a compass, and actually using it helps to extend the lesson as well.
Lesson Plans for 2/10/09:
Science: Using a compass
Reading: Read chapter 8 Ghost Town at Sundown
Language Arts: Common and proper nouns, punctuation
Math: Multiplication, division, measuring maps
Writing: When I grow up I want to be a
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Spelling: Lesson 19- Write each spelling word and circle the consonants
PE: 30 minutes
Lesson Plans for 2/10/09:
Science: Using a compass
Reading: Read chapter 8 Ghost Town at Sundown
Language Arts: Common and proper nouns, punctuation
Math: Multiplication, division, measuring maps
Writing: When I grow up I want to be a
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Spelling: Lesson 19- Write each spelling word and circle the consonants
PE: 30 minutes
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Diet And Exercise With Heart Disease
I found this short video to be very informative. It is always important to remember that if you already have a diagnosis of Heart Disease to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Depending on the severity of your Heart Disease may be harmful.
Lesson Plans for 2/9/09:
Spelling: Lesson 19- write each spelling word 2x each, print, and cursive
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- Look up the definition of each vocabulary word
Reading: Read chapter 7 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Language Arts: Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Measuring maps, multiplication, division
Writing: My favorite food is
Arts and crafts: Learn to draw Vugita, Heart wreath itp
Music: Grammar rock, itp
Lesson Plans for 2/9/09:
Spelling: Lesson 19- write each spelling word 2x each, print, and cursive
Vocabulary: Lesson 19- Look up the definition of each vocabulary word
Reading: Read chapter 7 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Language Arts: Capitalization, punctuation
Math: Measuring maps, multiplication, division
Writing: My favorite food is
Arts and crafts: Learn to draw Vugita, Heart wreath itp
Music: Grammar rock, itp
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Do You Have A Swimming Pool, And A Small Child?
We have a swimming pool, and children. We have had it for many years, and chose to keep it gated, with a lock. However, not everyone gates, and locks their pools. There are classes that are being offered that teach children from as early as 6 months how to float, breath, and survive should they fall in a swimming pool unsupervised. The videos are quite amazing actually, and you can view them here. Help prevent unecessary child drownings, view the videos, pass them on to help educate others. Children do not have to drown, every year, from falls in swimming pools.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The Stimulus Plan
This really is a little off topic, but since I have no lesson plans to post, and it has been on my mind lately. So I thought I was start a discussion, to see what others think. I have very ambivalent feelings about the whole thing. Florida really needs this money, but how does it really stimulate. It will save the state budget, but will not stimulate any new jobs, or help the housing market. The first TARP has been a huge failure. The second one is getting set to be paid out, with no real thoughts of how it will help. Now there is news that a third TARP is in the making, come on really now. The stimulus package being proposed, and attempted to rush through the senate, is only 1/3 of stimulus and everything else is pet projects that members of the House have been trying to get through for 30 yrs. Stimulus is needed to make new jobs, and help the housing market. Anyone who understands Economics knows that the real problem is that people are not spending money. Either because they do not have the money to spend, credit is not being given out freely, or they are afraid to spend money. There is no confidence, and that is not going to change by the government spending a trillion dollars of tax payers money, on things that not only probably will not work, but will not work for at least two or three years. Our taxes will only go up, which means we will spend even less. Companies will continue to lay off workers, even with the stimulus plan. Why, because they need to make profits. That is what being a member of the Stock Market means. You need to make a certain amount of profits to participate in the Stock Market, and when people are not spending you must make cuts to keep those profits at that magical number. A lot of these companies laying off workers, lost profits, but were still making money. They just were not making as much as before. Some companies truly went under, but most are just looking greedily at their decrease in profits. This has to do with the Stock Market, and being part of it. They are rushing this thing through so fast, that we can not even get a handle on all of it. Obama is getting irritable, and testy because these are all projects he wants done. He is using the financial crisis to achieve campaign promises such as Health Care, and Green projects. He promised change, but he is now using the same scare tactics Bush used to push through the first TARP plan. They keep saying this full jobs, and they are using scare tactics. We are going to most likely lose those jobs anyway, at least for the next few months. Why not slow down, and get it right, instead of rushing, and pushing through nonsense. Does he not realize if this fails, and does not work it will effect him if he decides to run again. Take the time to do it right.
barack obama,
new president,
not stimulus,
pet projects,
stimulus plan
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It Is Freezing Again!
Wow it is freezing here again. A very chilly 17 degrees last night, and will be again tonight. Ugh, I really hate this cold weather. It does however, bring me to an important issue concerning Health Disease. When it is extremely cold it poses a high risk for those who suffer with Heart Disease. Because cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, it can cause episodes of Angina, or chest pain. Try avoid going outside at all, during the coldest days, and nights. If you must go out be sure to cover your face, with a scarf, or mask so you are breathing in warm air, not cold. Make sure it covers your mouth, and nose. Be sure to carry your Nitro, if you must go out, in case you need it. Exercise, and snow care should be limited for those who suffer with Heart Disease. Try to get a family member, neighbor, or even hire someone to do it for you. Lifting heavy, wet snow puts even more strain on your heart, so please do so with extreme caution.
Tomorrow is test day, so there are no lesson plans to post. Happy Thursday everyone, stay warm.
Tomorrow is test day, so there are no lesson plans to post. Happy Thursday everyone, stay warm.
breathe warm air,
cold weather,
healthy heartt,
heart disease,
stay warm
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Florida Looks For Federal Relief
I see a double sword with this article. Florida, is almost completely broke, and soon to be in a crisis mode. Governor Charlie Crist is lobbying for the stimulus plan to be approved in the Senate. I am all for a stimulus plan, but at least 50-60% of the so called stimulus plan, is just garbage, not stimulus. As a Floridian I can see why this state needs Federal assistance, yet I am still on the hedge about it. These are the numbers posted in a local newspaper as to money and its breakdown.
8 Billion dollars: that is the amount of money already cut by Florida lawmakers, with more likely to come.
There are currently 752,000 Floridians out of work, and increasing.
The amount of the projected stimulus plan in Congress is 825 Billion dollars, and growing.
As tax payers in the US we have already footed the 700 Billion dollar TARP plan, which to my knowledge did not succeed to do anything to stimulate the economy.
4 Billion dollars, to increase Federal money for Medicaid. Do not misunderstand me this country needs healthcare for everyone, that is affordable and available. It is how we are going to go about it that has me worried. 4 Billion is a lot to ask of taxpayers.
7Billion for Transportation projects. I am kind of unsure of how this will stimulate Florida's economy at all. Most of the jobs lost here are in construction, and the housing market, not transportation. That one has me baffled.
It seems to be getting only worse, and the Congress seems to have no real conclusions, only spending and taxing. I am not someone who is anti tax. I believe we need to pay taxes, but I also believe we need some real transparency, and accountability as to how, and where taxes are used. What do you think about the financial situation in your state, and the stimulus bill being pushed in Congress?
It is obvious to me Florida needs help, and we need it soon. But so do a lot of other states, that do not have the luxury of millions of visitors to their state every year, as Florida does.
Lesson Plans for 2/5/09:
Reading: Chapter 6 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Health: Healthful leisure activities
Language Arts: reviewing sentences, punctuation
Math: Problem solving, multiplication, division
Writing: The thing that I do best is
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- write each vocabulary word, and definition 2x each
Spelling: Lesson 18- put the spelling words in alphabetical order
PE: 30 minutes
8 Billion dollars: that is the amount of money already cut by Florida lawmakers, with more likely to come.
There are currently 752,000 Floridians out of work, and increasing.
The amount of the projected stimulus plan in Congress is 825 Billion dollars, and growing.
As tax payers in the US we have already footed the 700 Billion dollar TARP plan, which to my knowledge did not succeed to do anything to stimulate the economy.
4 Billion dollars, to increase Federal money for Medicaid. Do not misunderstand me this country needs healthcare for everyone, that is affordable and available. It is how we are going to go about it that has me worried. 4 Billion is a lot to ask of taxpayers.
7Billion for Transportation projects. I am kind of unsure of how this will stimulate Florida's economy at all. Most of the jobs lost here are in construction, and the housing market, not transportation. That one has me baffled.
It seems to be getting only worse, and the Congress seems to have no real conclusions, only spending and taxing. I am not someone who is anti tax. I believe we need to pay taxes, but I also believe we need some real transparency, and accountability as to how, and where taxes are used. What do you think about the financial situation in your state, and the stimulus bill being pushed in Congress?
It is obvious to me Florida needs help, and we need it soon. But so do a lot of other states, that do not have the luxury of millions of visitors to their state every year, as Florida does.
Lesson Plans for 2/5/09:
Reading: Chapter 6 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Health: Healthful leisure activities
Language Arts: reviewing sentences, punctuation
Math: Problem solving, multiplication, division
Writing: The thing that I do best is
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- write each vocabulary word, and definition 2x each
Spelling: Lesson 18- put the spelling words in alphabetical order
PE: 30 minutes
financial crisis,
stimulus plan,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dealing With Stress For A Healthy Heart
Keeping on the subject of heart health, lets talk about Stress. I think a lot of people forget about Stress when managing their health, and Heart Disease. Stress is one of the risk factors you can control, but it is not always easy. Meditating, counting to 1o, taking a relaxing bath, a walk, reading, crafts, writing a journal, deep breathing exercises, and listening to music are all things that can help relieve Stress. Relieving Stress is important because it causes your blood vessels to constrict, increasing the pressure in your blood vessels. If you already have Heart Disease this can bring on chest pain, shortness of breath, or feelings of anxiety. If you do not yet have Heart Disease managing your stress, can help decrease your risk of getting Heart Disease.
You probably do not think of children, and Stress. But they experience Stress too, and very often do not know how to talk, or deal with it. That can lead to mood swings, depression, behavior changes, drops in grades, and worse Suicide. Finding ways for children to deal with Stress, is just as important, as for adults. This site is a favorite of mine for all kinds of Health topics for kids. The page will take you to all kinds of subjects kids face, about feelings, that can cause them undo Stress. Check it out with your kids, and teach them the importance of handling Stress early in life.
Lesson Plans for 2/4/09:
Reading: Chapter 5 Ghost Town at Sundown
Social Studies: Flat maps, and globes
Language Arts: Predicates, punctuation
Math: Problem solving, multiplication, division
Writing: 3 wishes for my birthday
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word and circle the vowels
You probably do not think of children, and Stress. But they experience Stress too, and very often do not know how to talk, or deal with it. That can lead to mood swings, depression, behavior changes, drops in grades, and worse Suicide. Finding ways for children to deal with Stress, is just as important, as for adults. This site is a favorite of mine for all kinds of Health topics for kids. The page will take you to all kinds of subjects kids face, about feelings, that can cause them undo Stress. Check it out with your kids, and teach them the importance of handling Stress early in life.
Lesson Plans for 2/4/09:
Reading: Chapter 5 Ghost Town at Sundown
Social Studies: Flat maps, and globes
Language Arts: Predicates, punctuation
Math: Problem solving, multiplication, division
Writing: 3 wishes for my birthday
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- think of a synonym for each vocabulary word
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word and circle the vowels
heart disease,
kids and stress,
lesson plans,
manage stress,
risk factors,
Monday, February 2, 2009
The Month Of Hearts
February is all about hearts, love, and of course Valentines Day. Which got me thinking, about health care, and taking care of your heart. As a nurse of course that subject, is near, and dear to my heart. Heart Disease is still considered one of the leading causes of death for men, and second in women. Our kids are getting heart disease at much younger ages, due to inactivity, and poor diets. Heredity of course always plays a part as well, but that is not a risk you can control. One of the most important things I think one can do, if they have a loved one with known Heart Disease, or increased risk for Heart Disease, is to learn CPR. CPR can help you keep enough oxygenated blood circulating through the body, for the ambulance to administer advanced life support, and increase the chance of survival. Plus you will learn about symptoms of a Heart Attack, Stroke, Angina, and Choking situations, and what to do. If you have children, these classes are especially beneficial because they teach you how to handle a child who is choking. Most children will not require CPR, but they do suffer breathing problems from choking, ingestion of chemicals, or other airway ailments. These classes will teach you what, and how to react in these situations. You can even take these classes online. If you are a first time learner, it probably would be best to take a hands on class at the Red Cross, or American Heart Association. Some local hospitals, and fire departments also offer these classes. If your CPR card has expired, and you feel comfortable with your skills, you can take an online class. I use www.procpr.org Their videos are excellent, and complete. Note this is not a paid post, it is for informational, and educational purposes. I will be adding other informational heart tips, through Valentines Day.
Lesson Plans for 2/3/09:
Reading: Chapter 4 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Science: Magnets
PE: 30 minutes
Language Arts: Subjects of sentences, commas
Math: Puzzle practice, multiplication, division
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word, and circle the consonants
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- Use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Writing: The most important person in my life
Lesson Plans for 2/3/09:
Reading: Chapter 4 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Science: Magnets
PE: 30 minutes
Language Arts: Subjects of sentences, commas
Math: Puzzle practice, multiplication, division
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word, and circle the consonants
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- Use each vocabulary word in a sentence
Writing: The most important person in my life
educational resources,
heart disease,
lesson plans,
save a life
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Top Entrecard Droppers For January
Thank You, Thank You to all my top droppers, for January. Please take a few minutes, and check out all these awesome blogs.
The blog that I got the best advertising my widget on http://www.SavingDollarsandSense.com
with an amazing 80 drops from her blog to mine.
Thank you once again, to all of you who visit, read, and drop on my blog every day.
Lesson Plans for 2/2/09:
Reading: Chapter 3 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word 2x each
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- look up the definition for each vocabulary word
Language Arts: Writing sentences, punctuation
Math: Adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, multiplication, division
Writing: What I want for my birthday, and a Valentines Day poem
Arts and crafts: Valentines Day
Music: 30 minutes
The blog that I got the best advertising my widget on http://www.SavingDollarsandSense.com
with an amazing 80 drops from her blog to mine.
Thank you once again, to all of you who visit, read, and drop on my blog every day.
Lesson Plans for 2/2/09:
Reading: Chapter 3 of Ghost Town at Sundown
Spelling: Lesson 18- write each spelling word 2x each
Vocabulary: Lesson 18- look up the definition for each vocabulary word
Language Arts: Writing sentences, punctuation
Math: Adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, multiplication, division
Writing: What I want for my birthday, and a Valentines Day poem
Arts and crafts: Valentines Day
Music: 30 minutes
blog advertising,
top entrecard droppers
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