We made the front page of the local newspaper, The Levy County Journal! All right, we live in a small town, so making the front page of the paper is not really hard. But, it was in all three local papers. I told you about the photography class we did with Ranger Pam. She took a picture on the last day of class and it was put in the paper. It must have been a slow Christmas news week, or we probably wouldn't have been on the cover. The kids were excited. I was excited they weren't in the paper for stealing or something, lol! Not all the kids were able to go the second day, and not all members went to the class at all. But, it is a pretty good sized group. Ranger Pam is having a classroom built at the Refuge and will be having more classes when it is done. We can't wait.
We also had a playdate this week, and painting class. The kids picked polar bears as the theme. So the kids drew out their pictures on paper. DJ painted his right on the paper. His is the only one that looks like a polar bear. If you look at the pics my mom's looks like a sheep, mine a white buffalo and Caitlin's a giant snowball. Her turtle looks nice though. Wait that isn't a turtle its a seal. A green seal, Caitlin? LOL!
I have to work tonight, and I am testing out a peanut butter pie on my co-workers. I have never made one, but my mom wants one for her birthday next week. It really was quite simple so I hope it tastes good.
I am once again way behind on my Entrecard drops. My apologies, I am trying to catch up. I still have to finish grading DJ's papers for second semester report cards.