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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Curse Of The Fourth Quarter Strikes Again

Grr my Buffalo Bills managed to lose a huge win, last night against them dreaded Patriots. I could not believe it. We were winning, we looked so good, it was exciting, only two minutes left, yes, yes, yes! No, No, NOOOOO, it must be a bad dream! Once again they fell asleep at the end of the game, fumbled the ball trying to be a hero, then let them drive down the field, and score. Say it ain't so, please! On a lighter note, at least I won my week one Fantasy Football game. I am becoming an old pro now. Ha, Ha, watch out all you boys, this woman is gonna win this year LOL. If you don't watch football, you should. It will make you laugh, scream, cry, and get really mad all in the same game. If you are a Bengals fan, you know what I am talking about, thank Brandon Stokely. Or better yet, you could be an Eagles fan, and McNabb is HURT AGAIN!. You must be kidding. How does someone as big as him, get hurt every single stinking season. Can you say bye, bye. Good thing they got Vick, too bad he can't play until week four. Football, I Love It! And Patrick Swayze passed away. I must be cursed, LOL. My thoughts, and prayers are with his family during this very sad time. I liked him, and his movies, and the last time I checked him, and his wife were still married all these years. You can not say that about many Hollywood stars. On to something more important, Continents, and plate tectonics. That is subject for Social Studies tomorrow. The cute video is a short song, explaining continents.

Lesson Plans for 09/16/09:

Reading: Dad and Sam HOP
Alphabet book: Letter F
Number Identification: Zero
Printing Practice
Adding and subtracting acorns these are leftover from the acorn wreath
Site words
Shapes and Colors worksheet

Social Studies: Continents, plate tectonics
Math: Place value, addition, multiplication, division
Cursive handwriting
Language Arts: Capitalization, prefixes, synonyms, and antonyms
Spelling/Vocab: Put your words in alphabetical order
Reading Comprehension: Worksheet


Ebie said...

Hi Melissa, I am not a football fan, and I don't even know the game, hahaha! I only know the score if its a touch down.
It is also a sad day for us on Patrick Swayze. I know about pancreatic cancer, my mom had it and she passed on at age 49. I hope there will be more awareness and cure for this cancer.

Femmepower said...

I know nothing about football 'coz it ain't very popular here in the Philippines unlike basketball. =)

What grade is DJ in? My daughter is a 2nd grader and they don't study continents and oceans in school yet but she already knows them. We have a big map in the house and she studies it with our guidance. She also studies the countries within each continent (of course,she can't memorize everything but she's good for her age) Now,sometimes she can answer geography questions better than me. lol.

Melissa said...

Ebie, a cure for cancer would be awesome. They keep saying they are getting closer

Rochelle, DJ is in grade four. He already knows the continents. The way the curriculums seem to work, is they do pretty much the same things, in history anyway, with a few new, and add to what they already learned. For example this year continents,with the added plate tectonics, and expanded geography lessons are added on. I try to always review stuff he already learned to be sure it has been remembered.

Melissa said...

I forgot to add that now that I am schooling two, I was advised to teach Caitlin similar science, and history topics, but on her level. These cute, short videos, are easy to get her to watch.

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